What an insightful and informative Industrial Hemp Lunch & Learn with two of the industry’s experts Calvin Whitfield of Source Hemp, NC, and Greg Salvatore from Elite Life Labs, Boston, MA, as guest speakers on March 9th at Avazyme. We appreciate the time they spent with us, their breadth of knowledge, and their contributions to this new emerging industry; and sharing their experiences, expertise, and advice. Avazyme can help growers, processors, manufacturers, and researchers achieve regulatory compliance and product safety with our analytical testing. Avazyme provides highly accurate Cannabis Lab Testing Solutions on leading state-of-the-art SHIMADZU (8050 & 8040 triple quadrupole mass spectrometers) for determining the Cannabinoid Profiles with UHPLC/MS/MS analysis (the most accurate and reliable way to test for Cannabinoids Δ9 THC, CBD, CBC, CBDA, CBN, CBDV, CBG, CBGA, THCA, & THCV); as well as; Terpene Profiling: Flavors & Aromas; Highly Sensitive Pesticide Residue Screening; Extraction Efficiency; Shelf-Life Stability; Residual Solvents; Moisture Content & Moisture Balance; Basic Nutrition Panel; Food-Borne Pathogens, Contaminants, and Mycotoxins.
Avazyme holds the appropriate permits to handle any Schedule Controlled Substance.
• The State of North Carolina: Controlled Substance Registration
Certification # NC DHHS-1000985
SCHEDULES 1, 2, 2N, 3, 3N, 4, 5, 6 (NC)
• The US Department of Justice, Federal Drug Enforcement Agency Controlled
Substance Registration Certificate # DEA RA0522739
SCHEDULES 1, 2, 2N, 3, 3N, 4, 5 (DEA).