AVAZYME has expanded its technology portfolio and is currently working on new method developments to analyze hops constituents and flavor profiles with our new advanced Shimadzu Triple Quadrupole 8050 LC/MS/MS Mass Spectrometer and our UHPLC Chromatography System, in support of the growing North Carolina and Virginia hops market. Our new state-of the art capabilities can qualitatively and quantitatively measure the alpha acid and beta acids and essential oils and gauge the flavors and aromas contained in the various hops varieties. This helps the local specialty hops growers decide which varieties to grow and identifies those varieties that are best in establishing the unique flavor profiles that the local craft brewers are demanding. The local craft brewers are driving the new expansion of hops in a climate zone that might appear to have its challenges for ideal growing condition. But the demand is for quality and unique flavors, not quantity, and the brewers’ preference is for locally grown. By providing the reliable and accurate analysis to identify, confirm, and quantify how much alpha acid and beta acid content is attributed to each variety, and single out their flavor profiles, Avazyme sees itself as a channel for keeping the communications between the farmers and brewers open and on track. We can provide the key identification factors for those craft hops that give the brewers the unique flavors they are looking for while helping the farmers decide which varieties will sell.